Articles posted by "Philippe Côté"

Lungta is now available on cdbaby, iTunes and Amazon!
Lungta is now available to purchase on cdbaby, iTunes and Amazon. The record was launched April 2nd with a concert featuring David Binney and Orchestre national de jazz de Montréal. It was a magical concert. Thanks to everybody that came out. Stay tuned in the coming months as I [...]Read more

Album review in La Presse
I’m honored to have Lungta reviewed in La Presse with 2 other great new jazz records. Check them out! Misc and Jacques Kuba-Séguin just released great sounding records. (French Only) ALAIN BRUNET, LA PRESSE Jazz keb: MISC, Jacques Kuba Séguin, Philippe Côté Les sorties de [...]Read more

Record launch concert at L’Astral covered by Alain Brunet from La Presse
(French Only) Philippe Côté : jazz à grand déploiement ALAIN BRUNET, LA PRESSE L’Orchestre national de jazz de Montréal suggère une nouvelle signature : ce samedi à l’Astral, le saxophoniste, compositeur et arrangeur Philippe Côté lance Lungta, un album pour [...]Read more